Peach, Almond and Coconut Breakfast Crumble
Words, recipe & Images by Sam Hillman
Okay yes; this is recipe which trespasses so deeply and audaciously into dessert territory that it’s not even funny. But this is a journal for eating in bed, isn’t it? If you’re having breakfast in bed it’s probably already the weekend, no? Let your hair down. Let your guard down. Bake a crumble. Live a little.
The best part? The below formula is startlingly agile, and will work any practically any sort of peach*. The ones so throbbing with ripeness they’re practically syrup? Yes!** Those stubborn, unyielding ones that you bought too soon*** because you’re as disproportionately excited about stone fruit season as me? Yes! Yellow ones? Yes! White ones? Yes! Peaches that aren’t even peaches because they’re plums or nectarines? Yes!****
*You could even used canned peaches; just don’t tell me about it.
**Don’t use your very best peaches for this though – save them for eating straight up over a sink; juice running down elbows etc.
*** Never trust a peach before those last dregs of summer, amirite?
****NO. Well maybe. You could, but peaches are a zillion shades better in my humble opinion.
For the fruit bit
6 good, ripe peaches, chopped up, stones removed
1/4 cup of honey or maple syrup
1 tablespoon of cinnamon
a little squeeze of lemon
For the crumble bit
1/2 cup of raw slivered almonds*
1 1/2 cup of oats**
3/4 cup of flour***
1/4 cup of desiccated coconut
1/2 cup honey
a good dash of vanilla extract
1/2 cup of melted butter****, plus a bit extra for greasing etc
A reasonable pinch of salt
A teaspoon or two of cinnamon
Thick Greek yogurt, to serve. Low fat dairy need not apply.
*Or a mix of almonds and hazelnuts. Or whatever takes your fancy.
**You can quick-cooking ones, I won’t be mad.
***For those of you with a narrow-minded approach to life and/or breakfast-appropriate grains, you can use oat-flour, quinoa flour, or whichever trending wheat-flour substitute is going to help you sleep at night.
**** Coconut oil for the those stifled by allergy / orthodoxy.
Preheat your oven to 170 degrees. Toss the peaches in the honey, cinnamon, lemon juice and honey. Rub a good amount* of butter in your baking dish and dump the peaches in. Maybe even dab a few EXTRA bits of butter on top, so that they melt throughout the cooking process, if you’re not afraid of that sort of thing.**
Next, make the crumble topping, which literally involves mixing everything together listed in the aforementioned “crumble bit” section. Sprinkle this on top of your (hopefully somewhat buttered!) peaches.
You want the sides to basically be bubbling. No, like, actually bubbling. The fruit will soften down, becoming more salaciously jam-like as time goes on. You’re looking at around 40 minutes for ripe peaches. A little longer (turn down the heat if it’s browning too rapidly) for firmer ones. Unless you’re getting serious caramel vibes from the side, your crumble is one hunge percent not ready. If it looks a tad dry as it bakes*** I just dab on a few extra bits of butter and drizzle more honey over the top because I am the captain of my own journey.
When it’s done**** remove from the oven. Top with very excellent and very thick Greek yogurt. Eat in bed.
*Seriously tho.
**Don’t be afraid of that sort of thing.
*** Do keep a watchful to semi-watchful eye as it cooks.
*** Bubbling! Jam-like!