Brian & Amy, San Francisco CA
BRIAN: San Francisco, California.
AMY: Brisbane, Australia.
Where do live now?
A: In a perfect studio in San Francisco.

What do you do?
B: I’m a freelance Graphic Designer and play guitar in a band called Loma Prieta.
A: I work for a fashion e-commerce company called Everlane and blog over at HABOTAI.
How did you meet?
B: We first met in London when Amy was living there.
A: Due to mutual friends we had been in contact for years before we actually met. I went to go see his band play and that was that. Brian flew back and forth to London until we decided to settle in America.
What are your morning rituals?
B: Since I work from home my daily ritual is to get out of the house every morning. It’s really motivating and inspiring to go for a walk or drive somewhere different to grab a cup of coffee and just sit and get ready for the day. If I don’t go out I end up spending days inside without ever leaving the apartment.
A: I walk to work every weekday, grabbing a coffee on route and Sunday usually means waking up slowly and eating pancakes in bed.
Any bedtime rituals?
A: Wearing Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate and drinking a chamomile tea in bed – both help me unwind and relax.
Favourite breakfast?
B: Donuts!
A: Porridge with banana, cinnamon & flaxseeds.
Any bedtime rituals?
A: Wearing Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Concentrate and drinking a chamomile tea in bed – both help me unwind and relax.
Favourite breakfast?
B: Donuts!
A: Porridge with banana, cinnamon & flaxseeds.
What’s on your bedside table?
A: The book ‘Laughable Loves’ by Milan Kundera, a ceramic dish for my jewelry and a MALIN + GOETZ candle.
Tips for a restful nights sleep?
B: Have a really fulfilling, productive day.
Coffee or Tea?
B: Coffee. A black and dark roast.
A: Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
Breakfast IN BED: featured our White IN BED linen duvet cover
Solution to Monday morning blues?
B: Go out and do something nice each morning. I know this is a rare luxury but it could be as simple as walking to work and listening to some music. Most people don’t ever stop to just look around; it’s really nice if you give it a chance.
A: Snoozing my alarm 3 or 4 times, squeezing Brian, followed by a long hot shower and the walk to work. I force myself to look up and not down at the concrete while I’m walking, to soak the day in.
What are your 5 favourite things?
B: Drinking so much coffee.
Going jogging on the beach.
Exploring neighborhoods in the city.
Going out in nature. Living in San Francisco we are so close to so many amazing places & landscapes.
We finally have our own apartment so it’s great to build a home together and collect plants & trinkets.
What can’t you live without?
B: Coffee, wifi and playing guitar really, really loud.
What morning or night time rituals make you feel like you’re ‘at home’?
B: Since I travel so much I always bring coffee and a travel dripper so I can chill out for a minute and relax. I’ve spent so much time on tour that consistency is really hard to come by, so having something as simple as a coffee is really comforting and helps take your mind off of whatever is happening around you.