Bedroom Art: What To Hang & Where To Hang It
Words by Elisha Kennedy
Image above: Artwork by Jordana Henry shot by Terence Chin for IN BED. Our bedroom walls say a lot about us. From the moment our younger selves gained the independence to blu-tak Hanson posters and pages torn from magazines to our walls, we've understood that this carefully curated display reflects who we are and the things we love. Now, with (hopefully) more sophisticated tastes we want our bedroom to be our own simple paradise - featuring bedroom accessories like a bed of clouds, a stack of books, dappled light and endless cups of tea. We want this space to welcome us with our own personality, just like we always have. Byron Bay Artist Jordana Henry makes painted art that feels spontaneous and dreamy at the same time - the perfect combination for the bedroom. "When I look at an artwork, it ignites an immediate feeling in me" she tells us, "and so the art that makes me feel safe, calm and the most relaxed would be the work I choose for a bedroom." Above: Jordana's work featured in We Are Triibe's QLD workshop - shot by Nicolette Johnson Pieces of art that can be easily moved around are sometimes the best ones. "The artworks in my house are in constant rotation" says Jordana, "From the wall to on top of a pile of books or crossing the corners of my room." For Interior Designer and Stylist Simone Haag, choosing the right art for a bedroom is a delicate balance. "I help many clients with furniture, art, object and styling and pay particular attention to the bedroom. I think a bedroom has to have a certain sense of calm and so I steer away from art that is bold and confrontational, rather, opting for works that are layered with interest, but also not too dominant." A photographic work by Rebekah Stuart hangs in Simone's own bedroom. "It's the perfect piece to have hanging there as bedrooms should be a space of contemplation and calm. I see something different every time I look at it."
Above: photographic art by Pampa__featured in We Are Triibe's QLD workshop - shot by Nicolette Johnson__ Not all art needs to be framed. Some of the most resonant pieces of art are the day to day oddities and trinkets that we assign meaning to, for Jordana it's a piece of indigo dyed fabric thumb tacked to the plaster, bought for her birthday by friends a couple of years ago. Simone also follows the sentiment that the bedroom is a space for private moments, suggesting, "a series of family photos or a nude sketch - things that are for you alone to enjoy." To shop the linen in this story click HERE.