Kyle Linahan & Nathan Dunn, Darlinghurst, NSW
Images by Saskia Wilson
We visited the home of musician Kyle Linahan and graphic textile artist Nathan Dunn on a sunny Friday afternoon. The creative couple spoke about making work during lockdown, pieces of art and special objects that they’ve chosen for the space and keeping a positive outlook for the rest of the year.

Kyle: “We live in a petite art deco apartment in the centre of Darlinghurst which we found about two and half years ago. We’re actually in the middle of renovating our kitchen so we’re probably most looking forward to finishing that. Nathan loves to cook and I love to eat!”

Nathan & Kyle’s bed is dressed in an IN BED 100% linen duvet cover, fitted sheet, flat sheet and pillow slips in white.
Nathan: “Our favourite piece of furniture is an original Roger McLay chair which we found buried in a second-hand shop and fell in love with. Another piece we love is a print by Nick Thomm that we hung in our living room and an original artwork from a friend of ours Matt Cauchi for the bedroom. We love collecting art from our friends or making our own.”
Our favourite piece of furniture is an original Roger McLay chair which we found buried in a second-hand shop and fell in love with.

ND: “I love our Japanese ceramics that we got on a trip to Tokyo a few years ago. Reminds me of a time when we could travel! I also have an embellished skull which I'm pretty fond of.”
KL: “Neither of us had actually lived in the neighbourhood before but we quickly grew to love it's fast pace, colour and vibrancy. We love the local bars, restaurants and access to culture that city living brings but it's the proximity to the Botanic Gardens and stunning Sydney harbour which has revived us during the anxiety inducing 2020.”

KL: “I’m a Musician so this year has hit particularly hard in terms of live shows. Thankfully though, I’ve been in the studio wrapping up the recording of my debut solo album. I miss performing terribly but I’ve had plenty of time this year to slow my pace, reconnect with my love of writing and being in nature. My creative practice these days depends a lot on collaboration. I’m lucky enough to be surrounded by many talented friends I write with for my project Kyva. Often we’ll get together at a studio or someone’s house to throw ideas and sounds around and the energy which can arise in that moment is pretty intoxicating.
I’m a Musician so this year has hit particularly hard in terms of live shows. Thankfully though, I’ve been in the studio wrapping up the recording of my debut solo album.
ND: I'm a graphic textile artist so I do prints and graphics for fashion and apparel brands. I draw and paint so I love that I get to incorporate that into my work and be creative everyday.

ND: I set myself a personal challenge during covid to design and post a print everyday for 30 days (@thedunn) alongside my usual work. It became challenging at times but it was something to keep me going day-to-day.
KL: “[For the rest of this year] We’re looking forward to the weather getting warmer and that salty feeling I associate with long summer days. I’m also excited to finish my album over the next few months and hope to be able to tour again safely before too long.”

Nathan & Kyle’s bed is dressed in an IN BED 100% linen duvet cover, fitted sheet, flat sheet and pillow slips in white.