Luke Woodard, Brooklyn
Words & Images by Samantha Hillman
Designer Luke Woodard is the co-founder of Sweatshop, a creative design studio slash cafe. The Sweatshop look is easy to identify considered and industrial; splashes of charcoal upon whitewashed brick. It's an aesthetic that stretches to the apartment that he shares with business partner Ryan De Remer, and illustrator Mete Erdogan.
Who are you?
Luke Woodard.
Where are you from?
Melbourne (Toorak to be specific)
Tell us about what you do.
I’m one half of Sweatshop: a creative design studio and coffee shop in Brooklyn. Basically it was a way we could fuse our love of great design with good coffee (by way of providing ourselves with an endless supply of the stuff). I can make you a decent flat white, and at the same time I can design and build your brand, a bespoke piece of furniture and a full interior fit-out.
Why coffee?
I'm definitely more of a morning person and that's what got me into it. There's something invigorating about the smell of it - no other way to start the day. Equally, there's a sense of satisfaction in making that coffee for someone else. I love the interaction in the handover. You get to know people during a vital part of their routine and it's amazing to know that you're a part of their day, everyday.
What's your favorite part of your work?
Definitely the free coffee. And getting to design cool shit all day.
What is the best thing about where you live?
I can get anywhere and everywhere on my bike... albeit if it's February and a blizzard outside it's a little difficult. But seriously you have absolutely fucking everything at your fingertips. I recently moved to Greenpoint, Brooklyn, which is a lovely neighborhood with much quieter streets than the hustle of the island.

Describe your ideal Sunday:
In bed. With coffee. Not hungover.

Any morning rituals?
Apart from coffee? Running. I try to get an active start to most days with 5 miles straight out of bed. Then coffee.
Any nighttime rituals?
Decide between about 9 different pillows to rest my head on, and just push the remaining unlucky ones to the side.

What are five things that you couldn't live without?
Riding through Manhattan traffic at night, wearing beanies, eating delicious fried chicken, buying plants and, you guessed it, drinking coffee.
If you could only have your coffee one way forever, which would it be, and why?
Flat white, perfect dose of milk and coffee.
How do you make the switch between work and play?
I don't consider what I do as work, so it's not necessarily something that I have to differentiate between on a daily basis.